Thursday, 21 March 2013

Rust and Bone (2012)

Director: Jacques Audiard

Before I get down to reviewing this film, I would really like to say something. Probably I would have never gone to the cinema if I didn't learn French and love everything about France, oh and if there wasn't Marion Cotillard  in the main role, which I wouldn't have known if I had not watched Anna Karenina and saw the trailer. These things just made a good reason why I should go and see this film on the big screen.

I don't want to ruin your desire to watch "Rust and Bone", but if I'm writing a review, I have to be honest. First of all, this film is not as romantic as it may seem in the trailer (that's why I give 3 stars, though the actors are very, very good). There's a lot of pain and misunderstandings. It's not like Stephanie and Alain fell in love from the first time they saw each other. No. But one thing I know for sure - there wasn't any other person whom they could trust as much as they trusted on each other in the whole world. It took some time to understand that there's no other person they could ever love as well.

Overall, I must say that the plot of "Rust and Bone" is rather rough. Actually, this film really shows how things happen in the real life. Sometimes, no, rather often, film directors tend to embellish lives of their characters by showing everything through rose-colored glasses. We all know that in real life finding love is not that easy and not every story has a happy ending. Fortunately, this one has, though at first, I didn't believe it would happen.

I hope after reading this so called review you will want to watch "Rust and Bone" because that is the point why I'm actually doing this. You won't regret it, I guarantee, as this film is really a piece of art (and you might want to know how Marion looks without legs - very realistic, must say). I know I've said some things that might hold you back, but I also want to convince you that every person perceives every film differently. One might cry, another one - laugh. I didn't do any of these two actions. Now it's your turn to find out about yourself!

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